简介: The 18th century tale of a youngster whose memories, recounted after death, are a long series of wrong moral choices ending up with his killing his evil alter-ego, that is committing suicide.
简介:Fact-based story about a 1975 cover-up of a shooting by two white members of the Boston Tactical Unit. While on stakeout on a suspected getaway car used in a armed robbery, the two gunned down a black man who entered the car. The two claimed the man had a gun and they shot in self-defense. Police investigation decided it was a rightful shooting. The man"s widow knew her husband...
简介:《美国鼠谭》(An American Tail)又译为《老鼠也移民》,是1986年由美国环球影业公司制作发行的动画喜剧电影作品。影片描述的是关于老鼠家庭移弗民荒的故事。老鼠Fievel,在从沙皇俄国移民到美国的途中跟家人失散,于是它开始漫长的孤独旅程,为了寻找家人而四处闯荡,在纽约遭遇层出不穷的趣事和挑战。经过种种磨难,结果成为当地英雄,并因此得以和家人团聚。导演唐·布鲁斯(Don Bluth),监制史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格。本片动画制作精致,故事温馨感人,很有独创性和想象力。
简介:Min Ji-suk runs a "ticket bar"where customers can purchase tickets for certain "services"in the town of Sokcho in Gangwon-do. She hires Miss Yang (Ahn So-young), Miss Hong (Lee Hye-young), and Se-young (Jeon Se-young) through the employment agency. Miss Yang and Miss Hong, who are well experienced in this type of business, are used to accepting propositions from customers. But ...
简介:The Potter family has just moved to a rented apartment in San Francisco. Harry Potter Sr. and his wife Anne are bringing the packages to the apartment and their son Harry Jr. and their little daughter Wendy Anne stays on the sidewalk. Wendy goes to the laundry room, she meets the wicked troll Torok that uses his magic ring to possess Wendy and to use her form to transform the d...
主演:约翰·库萨克 黛米·摩尔 柯蒂斯·阿姆斯壮 博卡·格德斯维特 乔尔·默里 Tom Villard John Matuszak
简介:一部尽情挥霍青春的卡通化喜剧,没有太完整的故事情节,但气氛轻松活泼,不乏年轻人互相逗弄的视觉笑料。加上海滩上穿梭不停的比基尼胴体,作为消暑娱乐是不错的。剧情描述高中生约翰.丘萨克跟一群疯疯癫癫的同学到新英格兰的海岛上渡暑假,碰到了美丽的大学女生黛咪摩儿,不禁情窦初开,闹得昏头转向。本片是导演萨维奇.史蒂夫.霍兰率原班人马继《Better off dead...》之后拍摄的续集,仍维持YA电影的可爱活力。