1、How Does Your Garden Grow? 花园疑案
2、The Million Dollar Bond Robbery 百万美元证券失窃案
3、The Plymouth Express 普利茅斯快车上的谋杀案
4、Wasps' Nest 蜂窝谜案
5、The Tragedy at Marsdon Manor 马斯顿庄园的悲剧
6、The Double Clue 双重线索
7、The Mystery of the Spanish Chest 西班牙箱子之谜
8、The Theft of the Royal Ruby 红宝石之玉失窃案
9、The Affair at the Victory Ball 舞会谜案
10、The Mystery of Hunter's Lo...
简介:An Indian family is expelled from Uganda when Idi Amin takes power. They move to Mississippi and time passes. The Indian daughter falls in love with a black man, and the respective families have to come to terms with it.
简介:影片开始是一个年轻人(理查德·林克莱特 Richard Linklater 饰)在的士上向司机叙述他的一个古怪的梦,还有他搭上这辆的士的可能性,然而司机毫不在意。年轻人下了车,目睹一个女人出了车祸躺在地上,他拿走了女人的手提包。女人是被她的儿子撞死的,两个警察把儿子从家里带走。街头有人在弹奏吉他唱着歌,餐厅里三个男人在讨论陀思妥耶夫斯基和伟大的作品。一个男人的朋友失踪了,一个陌生人告诉他关于美国登月的秘密还有一些人失踪的真正原因。一个年轻人从他悄无声息地搬走了,他的室友们在他的房间里找到了许多明信片,上面贴着的是从各本书上撕下来的话语。两个女人在街上说话,预言下一个从她们身边经过的人将在两周内死去.....这是一部没有具体情节和具体主角的电影。
简介: Based on a true story, John Larroquette plays a hotshot executive that ends up in court over a certain charge. He is sentenced to community service. He is assigned to coach a basketball team of mentally handicap citizens. At first, he is reluctant and t
简介: Based on a true story, John Larroquette plays a hotshot executive that ends up in court over a certain charge. He is sentenced to community service. He is assigned to coach a basketball team of mentally handicap citizens. At first, he is reluctant and t